Does Steve Santarsiero want to bring terrorists to the US?

May 11, 2016

fenceWhile Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders continue their fight for the Democratic nomination, there is one issue they completely agree on: closing Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) and opening the door to transferring terrorists onto American soil. While both Hillary and Bernie support President Obama’s plan to close the facility, 56% of Americans oppose it. Does Steve Santarsiero side with the majority of Americans or does he back Clinton and Sanders’ reckless push to bring terrorists to the United States?

No matter who wins the nomination, the Democratic Party will be pursuing a dangerous and unpopular plan, and Steve Santarsiero will be left to answer for a policy that would bring dangerous terrorists onto US soil, endangering American lives.

NRCC Comment: “8th District families deserve to know if Steve Santarsiero supports FBI target Hillary Clinton and socialist Bernie Sanders’ push to close GITMO and bring terrorists onto U.S. soil. No matter who wins the Democratic nomination, Santarsiero will have to answer for a policy that would threaten our national security and endanger American lives.” – NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack