BREAKING: Melissa Gilbert withdraws from MI-08 campaign
In a huge blow for Washington Democrats, DCCC’s “top-tier” candidate Melissa Gilbert just announced that she is ending her campaign for Congress. Gilbert’s withdrawal occurring after the Michigan filing deadline all but ensures that MI-08 remains in Republican control since Gilbert’s primary opponent is about to be kicked off the ballot.
This is another high-profile embarrassment for the DCCC. Earlier this month, DCCC-backed Cory Simpson lost his WV-02 primary to a candidate who currently has -$3,283.60 cash on hand. That was two weeks after DCCC-backed Bill Golderer lost his PA-07 primary by 50 points. And that, of course, came after DCCC had to delete their entire “One Term Wonders” website after they gave up on 5 out of 16 featured races.
Annnnnd here’s a live look in at DCCC headquarters.