“I know they’ll scream bloody murder”
“Businessman” Mike Sherzan recently touted a new idea for businesses across the country. He wants to create more…paperwork.
Sherzan acknowledges how unpopular his plan would be in a recent editorial board meeting with the Des Moines Register, saying “I know they’ll scream bloody murder about additional paperwork…”, regarding his proposal to have every business in the U.S. report salaries of every employee to the U.S. government. Sherzan conveniently left out just how much time he believes this “additional paperwork” would cost U.S. businesses and how he thinks the U.S. government can handle this massive annual review.
How many Iowa jobs is Sherzan willing to destroy for his proposal? How much is he willing to raise taxes on Iowans to pay for the additional bureaucrats needed to administer it?
This completely out-of-touch proposal by Sherzan calls into question just how much damage he is willing to do to the economy in order to pursue a far-left agenda. How can Iowans trust this so called “businessman” who would rather subject businesses to even more government bureaucracy than focus on providing vital jobs for their local communities.
NRCC Comment: “Mike Sherzan’s idea to require every business in America to report even more sensitive information to the U.S. government each year is simply ridiculous. Instead of allowing businesses to focus on growing and creating more jobs throughout the country, Sherzan would rather bog them down with more government bureaucracy.” – NRCC Spokesperson Kate Constantini