New Polls: Most Americans think Hillary Clinton should have been indicted

July 11, 2016

hillary nev

Two new polls show that the vast majority of Americans disagree with the FBI’s decision not to indict presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on charges related to her mishandling of classified national security information.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 56% of Americans disapproved of the decision not to indict Clinton, and 57% said her behavior made them worried about how she would handle her responsibilities as president if elected.

Last week’s Rasmussen poll found that 54% of Americans disagreed with the FBI’s decision to not indict Clinton, including 63% of Independents.

These polls underscore the problems House Democrats will face with Hillary Clinton at the top of the ballot in November. By embracing Clinton as the Democrat nominee for president, House Democrats have tied themselves to a candidate that the American people do not trust.

NRCC Comment: “With their support of Hillary Clinton, House Democrats have linked themselves to a candidate that the majority of Americans think should be headed to a courthouse instead of the White House. The American people do not trust Hillary Clinton, and House Democrats will be hard-pressed to explain their support of her candidacy despite Clinton’s decades of lies and scandals.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera