House Democrats Sign Off On Most Far-Left Democrat Platform Ever

July 26, 2016


Yesterday, Democrats approved the most extreme, far-left platform in the history of their party. As superdelegates, House Democrats stood and endorsed the platform, which was approved by voice vote, with no attempt at amendment. In case House Democrats have avoided reading their party’s platform, here are some of the highlights:

  • Advocates for numerous tax hikes or new taxes including an income tax increase, an estate tax increase, an increase in the social security tax, a new tax on financial transactions, and a new energy tax.
  • Refers to the U.S. Postal Service as a “national treasure,” condemns all efforts to reform the financially troubled agency, and proposes adding consumer banking to its duties.
  • Supports big labor efforts at bullying workers by allowing the formation of a union without a secret ballot.
  • Endorses restoring voting rights to convicted felons.
  • Supports continuing Obama’s job-killing unilateral decision to block the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Praises Obamacare, and advocates to go even further with a government-run health care plan.

In writing their platform, not only did Democrats take pains to avoid mentioning Hillary Clinton even once, they even went so far as to take several veiled shots at their presumptive nominee:

  • Calls for banning Super PACs, while Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC, Priorities USA, continues to raise millions.
  • Bashes the “greed and recklessness of Wall Street,” while Clinton continues to raise money from and hides the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street.
  • Calls for a crackdown on the “revolving door,” those who freely move between government and the private firms that are regulated by the government – no one tell her campaign advisors!

NRCC COMMENT: “Yesterday, the Democrat convention adopted the most extreme liberal platform in the history of the party. By supporting this far-left platform, House Democrats are endorsing extreme job-killing policies, from a laundry list of tax-hikes to billions of dollars in new spending on the pet projects of the liberal base.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera



2016 Democratic National Platform – July 21, 2016

Democrats Unite to Advance Most Progressive Platform in Party History. “Today, after weeks of regional events designed to welcome every voice within the Democratic party, the full Platform Committee voted to advance the most ambitious and progressive party platform in history.” (Democratic National Convention, Press Release, 7/9/16)

Super PAC backing Hillary Clinton raises $142M in donations, commitments. “The leading super PAC backing Hillary Clinton for president has raised $142 million in donations and commitments for the 2016 presidential cycle. Priorities USA said that it brought in $900,000 through a joint fundraising agreement with EMILY’s List. In June, the group brought in nearly $12 million and the PAC said that it has about $40 million cash on hand.” (Rebecca Shabad, CBS News, 7/20/16)

Two-thirds of voters say Clinton should release transcripts of Wall Street speeches. “Despite facing off against billionaire businessman Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton may be the candidate whose ties to Wall Street become a real problem, and a clear majority of voters now say the former first lady should release transcripts of her high-priced private speeches to top financial firms. A poll by the media company Morning Consult released Wednesday found that nearly two-thirds of voters think Mrs. Clinton should make public those speeches, including three she delivered at Goldman Sachs after leaving the State Department. Mrs. Clinton was paid $625,000 for those speeches, and her refusal to make their content public seems to play into the broader idea that she is dishonest and has something to hide, analysts say.” (Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times, 6/1/16)

Hillary Clinton’s attack on Wall Street doesn’t include her advisers, presumably. “Hillary Clinton is speaking out against the “revolving door” between Wall Street and government— but neglects to mention that some of her closest confidantes have ties to big banks.” (Samantha Cooney, Mashable, 8/31/15)