About that DCCC recruit in WA-08…

August 4, 2016

facepalmDid you hear that the DCCC’s recruit in WA-08 lost to a candidate who had dropped out of the race weeks before the primary? That’s right. Even with support from national Democrats, Alida Skold lost her primary to Tony Ventrella, who shuttered his congressional campaign after realizing he would have to raise money and work for the job.

WA-08 was one of the seats the DCCC claimed would expand their electoral map. Now, the Democrat nominee will run a “zombie campaign” and not accept campaign donations, but instead encourage “would-be donors to give to a non-profit of their choice.” While very noble, Mr. Ventrella’s actions all but ensure Democrats have lost their shot at yet another seat on their list of targets that they must win to have any hope of retaking a House majority.

NRCC Comment: “Now that the DCCC’s recruit has lost to a candidate that dropped out of the race weeks ago and will not campaign in the general election, will national Democrats finally admit that they completely botched their recruiting efforts and have virtually no chance of recapturing a House majority?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter