Politico: Issa challenger was accused of ‘stalking,’ harassing wife

September 13, 2016

Politico is reporting that Doug Applegate, the DCCC-endorsed candidate in CA-49, “was accused of “stalking,” harassing and threatening his ex-wife, who was granted two temporary restraining orders, according to court records.”

In 2002, Applegate’s wife “sought court protection in the form of a temporary restraining order, alleging Applegate was stalking her and testifying in court records that her then-husband made her feel “scared and fearful for my life,” records show.”

“Later, in 2004, records show Priscilla Applegate requested another order to keep her husband away. She testified she was getting dressed in her bedroom during their separation and was frightened to discover Applegate “looking in at me through my window.”

“At another time, according to her testimony, he showed up outside their children’s elementary school and was seen staring through the windows, alarming teachers.”

National Democrats have fully embraced Applegate’s candidacy, adding him to their Red-To-Blue Program last week.

NRCC Comment: “National Democrats need to immediately disavow their endorsed candidate Doug Applegate, whose wife feared for her life due to his harassment and threatening behavior. It is unconscionable that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee would stand behind a man who threatened and stalked his wife and children to the point of receiving multiple restraining orders from local courts.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Martin

Issa challenger was accused of ‘stalking,’ harassing wife
By Carla Marinucci
September 13, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO — Retired Marine Colonel Douglas Applegate — a Southern California Democratic House candidate who was endorsed Monday by Attorney General Kamala Harris — was accused of “stalking,” harassing and threatening his ex-wife, who was granted two temporary restraining orders, according to court records on file in Orange County, California.

Court records also show that the candidate in 2000 was charged with driving under the influence and pled guilty to reckless driving, then was ordered to attend a alcohol abuse program. In 2004, Applegate was also ordered by the California Superior Court to surrender two firearms related to the domestic violence accusations made by his then-wife, the records showed.

Applegate is challenging eight-term Republican congressman Darrell Issa, from Vista, in a surprisingly tight race in the 49th Congressional District, which encompasses Orange County and parts of California’s Inland Empire.

Applegate is fresh off receiving the endorsement of Harris, the state’s top law enforcement officer, who in a statement called the retired Colonel “a leader,’’ and saying he “knows what it means to put the people of California first.” The candidate, who served 32 years in the Marine Corps, has done combat tours in Fallujah, Baghdad and Ramadi, and retired in 2006.

You can read the full piece here.