Brad Ashford’s Sudden Change Of Heart On Lawmaker Pay

September 14, 2016

ashfordIn a laughably transparent election year gambit, career politician Brad Ashford is backtracking on his long history of supporting raising his own pay and suggesting a pay cut for his colleagues in congress.

Ashford’s latest ploy reeks of desperation. During his long political career, Ashford has even gone so far as to back a measure to increase his taxpayer-funded salary by 88%.

Ashford has already told voters he will be “whatever you want me to be.” But what if voters just want Ashford to be honest?

NRCC Comment: “Career politician Brad Ashford is at it again with a desperate election year gambit to distract from his record of supporting raising his own pay. Ashford used to support nearly doubling his taxpayer-funded salary, and his latest stunt is just a cynical ploy to save his political career.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter