Will Louise Slaughter vote to bring terrorists to America?

September 14, 2016

slaughterCareer politician Louise Slaughter will have an opportunity tomorrow to block Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s dangerous plan to bring terrorists onto American soil when the House votes to prohibit the transfer of any Gitmo detainees to the country. Obama said earlier this month that “he remained hopeful of being able to close the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay before he leaves office in January.”

It is estimated that one-third of released Gitmo detainees return to terrorist activities. Will Louise Slaughter do the right thing for her constituents or is she too entrenched with Nancy Pelosi to care about the people she is supposed to be representing back in Western New York?

NRCC Comment: “Louise Slaughter needs to stand up to Nancy Pelosi’s dangerous support for closing Guantanamo Bay and bringing known terrorists onto American soil. If Louise Slaughter once again votes to bring terrorists into America, it’s further proof that Slaughter has lost her way after 30 years in Congress and that it’s time for a fresh face.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack