New NRCC TV ad: Terri Bonoff has repeatedly been willing to vote for unpopular taxes

October 25, 2016

Terri Bonoff said it best. Throughout her more than a decade in the Minnesota Senate, Bonoff has repeatedly been willing to vote for unpopular taxes, from increasing the local sales tax to raising the gas tax by more than $2 billion. But that’s not all. Bonoff has also voted to raise her own salary by more than 35%. Terri Bonoff is not only unpopular, her policies are costing Minnesota families a fortune.

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NRCC Statement: “Terri Bonoff has repeatedly been willing to vote for unpopular taxes. From her votes to increase the sales tax and gas tax, to raising her own salary and sticking taxpayers with the bill, Terri Bonoff’s unpopular policies are costing Minnesotans a fortune.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera


Terri Bonoff:

“I have repeatedly been willing to vote for unpopular taxes.”



That’s Terri Bonoff.

She voted for a lot of unpopular taxes.

From increasing local sales taxes, to raising the gas tax by more than two billion dollars.

What’s even more unpopular?

Bonoff voted to raise her own salary thirty-five percent, sticking taxpayers with the bill.

Terri Bonoff.

Her unpopular votes are costing us a fortune.

The NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.