New NRCC TV ad: LuAnn Bennett makes the government work…for her
LuAnn Bennett is a DC carpetbagger who is an expert at making the government work…for her. She has worked the system to get cheaper taxes for herself, but supported the largest tax hike in Virginia’s history for everyone else. The NRCC is out with a new television ad explaining that LuAnn Bennett is just a blind partisan trying to make the government work…for her.
NRCC Comment: “LuAnn Bennett has repeatedly used questionable methods to avoid paying taxes, yet supported the highest tax hike in Virginia’s history. Northern Virginia voters deserve better than a DC carpetbagger like LuAnn Bennett, who is only interested in making the government work for her.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
LuAnn Bennett, developer.
Broke a promise to build a preschool – that helped her avoid millions in taxes.
DC Insider. Owns a Georgetown condo … swanky
Bennett, candidate. Claims to live in Virginia. May help her avoid more taxes.
Bennett, partisan. Supported the largest tax hike in state history.
Now she wants a new title – Congresswoman.
LuAnn Bennett makes government work for her.
And you’d pay for it.
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