Rock and a hard place

March 13, 2017

Ami Bera is getting some serious turbulence from the activist far-left base in his swing California district. He’s already been targeted with mass protests at his office by a group called ‘The Resistance.’

More recently, in an article titled “Ami Bera’s call to reach across aisle gets cold response at Sacramento town hall,” Ami’s constituents don’t sound very happy:


  • “’We’re doing our part. Now we need him to do his part… What is he doing to change minds?’”
  • “’Society has moved to the left,’ Barreto said, adding that unless Bera ‘comes home’ to his base, ‘there’s a good chance there will be’ a more liberal primary challenger in 2018.’”


Bera’s California colleague Barbara Lee has already called for primary challenges for elected Democrats who aren’t sufficiently in servitude to the party’s far-left activist base.

Wherever the spot between a rock and a hard place is… that’s where Ami Bera is right now.