Clinton’s Coming For The DNC

June 2, 2017

Hilary Clinton’s back and this time is throwing blame for her loss on the disorganization and bankruptcy of the Democratic National Committee.

When asked about her recent beratement of the organization and her current role in the party, DNC Chairs Tom Perez and Keith Ellison dodged questions.

So, while Democrats continue bickering, Republicans will keep winning elections.


“Democratic National Committee Vice Chair, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), did not seem eager to discuss Hillary Clinton during an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday.

Clinton slammed the DNC’s data infrastructure at CODECON on Wednesday and claimed that her campaign received little if any support from the DNC.

MSNBC contributor Katty Kay asked Ellison about Clinton’s comments.

“Well, let me tell you, man, we’re looking forward. We’re looking ahead, and the truth is, we do need to do some improving,” Ellison responded.

Ellison continued, “A little bit of criticism doesn’t hurt us. We need to take it seriously and move out on what we have learned.

“Shouldn’t she also take responsibility for what she did? She didn’t seem to,” Kay interjected.

“Let me tell you, Hillary Clinton is a wonderful American. I think she is a wonderful person that served this country, and we need everybody’s help to go inspire voters all over this country,” Ellison responded.”


“Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez wouldn’t say whether Hillary Clinton should be putting herself forward as the leader of the Democratic Party on CNN’s New Day on Thursday.

“Do you think, for the future of your party, you need to make a decision about whether or not Hillary Clinton is allowed to be out there as the putative head of your party?” Chris Cuomo asked Perez.

“We have a lot of leaders who are out there today,” Perez tepidly answered.

That list includes “Secretary Clinton, including so many other folks,” he added.”