I’m getting impatient

September 18, 2017

Growing calls for Dean Phillips to take a position on absolutely anything have yet to work.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune: Phillips, a businessman and philanthropist, posted a video on Facebook saying: “I believe that universal access to affordable health care should be a moral right in this country, and that should be our objective.”

He adds: “Transitioning to a single-payer system is one idea for how we get there, but it’s not the only idea.”

So far in his quiet campaign, he has:

  • Refused to definitely give a position on Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care plan.
  • Flip-flopped on a statement in a mere 3 hours.
  • Essentially said that he will do or say anything to get elected.

Translation: Dean Phillips wants both the support of the Bernie backers and the support of voters in MN-03. He wants to have it both ways.

I don’t know what is so hard about this – does Phillips support Bernie’s single-payer plan along with his primary opponent or not?