did Nolan move to San Fran??
Hey there –
Rick Nolan has a major problem on his hands – he can’t seem to understand that he doesn’t represent Nancy Pelosi’s San Fran district.
Less than one month after Rick Nolan called single-payer “so fundamentally American” – we find out that the majority of Americans oppose it.
A new NBC/WSJ poll shows that the majority of Americans don’t want the federal government to have full control over their health care.
“But when supporters are told that all health care costs would be covered under a single-payer system — but that it would eliminate employer plans and that there would be only one government plan — the numbers move to 36 percent favor, 55 percent oppose.”
And yet – A European style single-payer system is literally what Radical Rick is campaigning on. He even admits that he ignores the pleas of analysts who say “don’t do it.”
And to really drive home the point that he’s totally and completely lost touch with Minnesotans in the Iron Range – he’s already invited Bernie Sanders, who is dead set on bringing this socialist disaster to life, to campaign with him.