let the self-immolation begin

January 30, 2018

A brand new report in National Journal shows that Democrats are starting to leak opposition research on their opponents… and proves for many first-time Southern California candidates, there are plenty of liabilities to exploit:

  • Hans Keirstead inflated his resume, claiming a doctorate in neuroscience… that is actually a degree in zoology. The story notes Keirstead also falsely claimed he had been promised a committee chairmanship as a freshman Congressman, saying it feeds “a narrative that he has a tendency to exaggerate.”
  • Harley Rouda sits on the board of a shoe company whose supplier uses sweatshop labor – prompting the Rouda campaign to respond “he had never been involved in the company’s day-to-day operations.”
  • Andy Thorburn failed to pay $600k in taxes, and bases his company’s operations in Guernsey, a European island “blacklisted as a tax haven by some European countries.”

As Democratic candidates savage each other in competitive primaries, what more will we find out?

Let the self-immolation begin!