Brendan Kelly for impeachment??
Pro-impeachment warrior Rosie O’Donnell contributed $1,000 to Brendan Kelly’s campaign for Congress.
What else is Rosie known for? A lot. Here is a small sampling:
• Comparing President Trump’s staffers to Hitler
• Breaking campaign finance laws
• Coping with Trump’s presidency by painting creepy images of him
• Condemning Republicans to hell
May I remind everyone that President Trump won the district Kelly is running in by almost 15 points? Rosie probably googled “Trump” and “blowhard” — saw Brendan Kelly’s name come up, and immediately reached for her checkbook.
Brendan Kelly constantly says that he wants to be a voice for the interests of Illinois’ 12th district. But you better believe that if Rosie sends him to Congress, she’ll be expecting a ‘Yes’ vote on impeaching the President.
So now I’m asking for clarification: Does Brendan Kelly stand with Illinois, or his anti-Trump Hollywood mega-donors?