take the ad down
When they go low, we kick them ask them to take their TV ad down.
Betsy Dirksen Londrigan’s biggest fan, Women Vote, put a fear-mongering and false TV ad on the air featuring…..Rodney Davis’ three children.
Using a person’s own children in an attack ad about them is bad enough, but in this case, it goes a step further. The ad claims that Rodney Davis wants to “gut pre-existing conditions.” Rodney Davis’ wife HAS a pre-existing condition – a genetic form of colon cancer that could be passed down to their children.
There’s low – lying about a person’s voting record. And then there’s just inexcusable – using their own children as pawns to attack them. Rodney Davis is vocal about his wife’s battle with cancer. What Women Vote did was intentional, and they need to take the ad down immediately.