Delgado says NO to paychecks for DHS

January 24, 2019

For a second day in a row, House Democrats voted down a bipartisan measure to get paychecks into the hands of federal workers, with Antonio Delgado joining his radical colleagues in voting no on paying Department of Homeland Security employees.

Delgado’s vote against paying DHS employees, which include the US Coast Guard, Customs and Border Patrol and ICE, is mystifying considering his rhetoric on the importance of paying federal workers. Blind loyalty to Nancy Pelosi makes you do funny things…

NRCC Comment: “Antonio Delgado’s vote to deny paychecks to the brave men and women of the United States Coast Guard and other Homeland Security agencies is shameful. It’s time for Delgado to stop playing political games, do his job and reopen the federal government.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams