Flashback Friday: Delgado “Israel is not a Jewish Democracy”

February 1, 2019

Antonio Delgado has found a common interest with fellow Democrat Ilhan Omar— their shared anti-Semitism.

Omar, who has made headlines for her repeated anti-Semitic remarks, endured more controversy this week when she revealed she “almost chuckle[s]” when Israel is described as a democracy.
But you know who else feels that way? Antonio Delgado.

The NY Post took Delgado to task for saying during a 2018 debate, “As currently constructed, you know, Israel is not a Jewish democracy.”

As the saying goes, you are the company you keep.

NRCC Comment: “It’s disturbing that Democrats’ anti-Semitism and anti-Israel views aren’t a one-off gaffe but a consistent pattern. Hudson Valley voters should be alarmed that Antonio Delgado has not only failed to denounce the anti-Semitism festering within his party but shares some of these same beliefs.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams