IMPEACHMENT ADVISORY: Coffee and conversation with Josh Harder

October 2, 2019

October 2, 2019 (Ripon, Calif.) Josh Harder will tonight hold a “coffee and conversation” event where constituents can voice their concerns about Harder’s decision to support his Party’s absurd quest to baselessly impeach President Trump instead of focusing on local constituent issues.  

WHO: Josh Harder kowtowing to his radical base, who whine and scream until they get what they want. 

WHAT: Coffee and impeachment conversation 

WHERE: 104 South Stockton Avenue 

                        Ripon, CA

WHEN: October 2, 2019 (TODAY) at 5 pm PDT

***Constituents Annoyed With Harder’s Refusal to Address the Issues Important to CA-10 Residents Are Encouraged to Attend***