IMPEACHMENT ADVISORY: Staten Island’s biggest fraud Max Rose to defend his efforts to impeach President Trump

October 4, 2019

October 4, 2019 (Brooklyn, N.Y.) – Congressman Max Rose will be holding TWO town halls tonight where he will attempt to spin his flip flop on impeachment.

WHO: Max Rose trying to defend why anyone can trust a word he says after flip flopping on impeachment

WHAT: Two Town Halls
WHERE: New York City Veterans’ Alliance Healthy VA Town Hall at I.S. 259 William McKinley, 7301 Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn, NY

WHEN: Tonight October 4th at 5:30 PM EDT

WHERE: Brooklyn Commuting Town Hall at Il Centro, 8711 18th Avenue in Brooklyn, NY
WHEN: Tonight October 4th at 7:00 PM EDT

*** Constituents upset with Max Rose after he folded to the socialist Democrats, went back on his word and sold them out are encouraged to attend. ***