Slate presses Christy Smith on Joe Biden allegations

May 8, 2020

Just flagging that Slate pressed Christy Smith about Tara Reade’s allegations into Joe Biden, and Christy did not handle it well.

Smith repeatedly told Slate that “it (Biden) is not a compelling component with her campaign,” and when asked if the Delaware documents should be looked into she said, “that’s up the two camps to decide.”

1. If Joe Biden was not a compelling component to Smith’s campaign, why are Smith and the DCCC constantly highlighting to the press that they believe Smith is more likely to win the CA-25 race in the November election with Biden on the ballot?

2. How does Smith justify believing “we did not see a complete and robust investigation” into Dr. Ford’s allegations, but thinks “that a lot of it (the investigating) has already been done” when it comes to Tara Reade?

And there’s no comment from Smith yet on the local paper that was able to find additional documentation corroborating Tara Reade’s allegations (but Smith does think the New York Times investigation did a good job).