Susie Lee’s $6.6 million dark money lie

June 22, 2020

Susie Lee says she’s against dark money in politics, but that hasn’t stopped her from signaling to dark money groups that she needs their help! (SEE HERE)

When asked by the Las Vegas Review Journal how she can be against dark money but allow dark money groups to spend $6.6 million for her at the same time, she said she couldn’t do anything about that but she supports a bill that would allow millions in public funds to be used for campaigns.

Just like you couldn’t do anything about your husband getting a taxpayer-funded $5.6 million PPP loan, right Susie? 😉 

NRCC Comment: “Susie Lee may own 18 homes, but her wealth won’t stop her from using public funds to line her own pocket!” – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair