Slotkin’s voting record says it all

July 13, 2020

Elissa Slotkin launched her re-election campaign this weekend, promising “bipartisanship” and “solutions.”

This may have been believable last cycle when she didn’t have a voting record, but Michiganders aren’t falling for her lies in 2020.

The reality is Slotkin votes with Nancy Pelosi 97 percent of the time, supported her party’s partisan sham impeachment effort to remove President Trump from office (which was not well-received back home), and has endorsed Joe Biden’s extreme socialist agenda including higher taxesfree health care for illegal immigrants and a government takeover of the economy.

Then again, what do you expect from the politician who made clear it’s “party before country, always, always”?

NRCC Comment: “The only thing voters can count on from Elissa Slotkin is more blind support for Democrats’ radical socialist agenda in Washington, and that is exactly what voters do not want in a representative.” -NRCC Spokeswoman Carly Atchison