WEEK IN REVIEW: Gonzalez still silent on Bank of China account

March 12, 2021

It was a bad week for Vicente Gonzalez between the breaking news of his Chinese bank account and dealing with a crisis at the border he helped create.

It was uncovered earlier this week that Vicente Gonzalez holds a bank account with a Chinese state-run bank, the Bank of China, that contains up to $250,000 and makes up to $5,000 in interest each year. 

Despite multiple news outlets pressing him about the account, Gonzalez still hasn’t explained why had the account in the first place. 

Gonzalez has also yet to explain why he endorsed Joe Biden since he was previously aware of Biden’s border policies that led to this border crisis.

NRCC Comment: “Vicente Gonzalez’ constituents deserve answers on his shady Chinese bank account and his support of Biden’s disastrous border policies.” — NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair

New 4 San Antonio: Congressman from Texas earned thousands in interest from Bank of China

KURV: Texas Democratic Congressman Had Six-Figure Account With Bank Of China

Texas Tribune: Gonzalez under GOP fire for Bank of China account

Breitbart: Exclusive — Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Reports Thousands in Questionable Interest Income from Bank of China Account

Breitbart: Texas Democrat Vicente Gonzalez Closes Bank of China Account After Breitbart News Investigation Exposed It

Washington Free Beacon: Dem Congressman Who Pushed China Divestment Kept His Own Chinese Investments