Axne forgets about Iowa Ag

June 10, 2021

Apparently, Cindy Axne no longer thinks Iowa’s agriculture industry is important to her constituents.

In case you missed it…

Axne forgets about Iowa’s agriculture industry

Iowa Field Report

Luke Martz

June 9, 2021

Congresswoman Cindy Axne frequently likes to talk about her farming roots, but a survey sent out today by the Iowa Democrat’s campaign calls her commitment to Iowa agriculture into question. 

Today Axne’s campaign blasted out an email asking constituents which issues matter most to them. The list includes: healthcare, economy, education, immigration, climate change, gun safety, tax reform, police reform, and infrastructure.” 

Missing from the list: Iowa’s agriculture industry.  

It’s unclear if Axne no longer views agriculture as an important issue to Iowans, or if she just hired a woke activist who knows nothing about our state to run her campaign. Either way, insulting one of Iowa’s most important industries is not a great look for a Congresswoman already struggling in the polls.