Malinowski has a “cruel choice” to make

June 16, 2021

Tom Malinowski is not scared of a tax hike.

He’s wanted to raise taxes for years, advocating for a property tax increase in 2018 with the reasoning that “we have to make cruel choices in terms of which public services we will or will not provide.”

That must be why he’s making the cruel choice to support an “infrastructure” plan that focuses more on climate change and other items that have nothing to do with roads, bridges, and tunnels.

Is it also safe to assume he’ll side with the socialists and support raising taxes to fund Democrats’ divisive boondoggle?

NRCC Comment: “The only ‘cruel choice’ Tom Malinowski will make is raising taxes to fund an infrastructure bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure and everything to do with Democrats’ socialist agenda.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock