Dem dark $ group: Biden honeymoon is over

June 28, 2021

Democrat dark money group Future Majority shared their polling with Axios and things are not looking good for Democrats.

  • “Of the issues polled, ‘defunding the police,’ ‘open borders’ and ‘reparations for slavery’ were by far the biggest turnoffs for both independents and voters in general.”
  • “Republicans bested Democrats on jobs and the economy, gun rights, and ‘keeping you and your family safe.’”

Biden’s issue approval in swing congressional districts is abysmal:

The economy and jobs – 45% approve – 52% disapprove

Helping the middle class – 44% approve – 53% disapprove

Immigration/the southern border with Mexico – 36% approve – 60% disapprove

Relations with China – 37% approve – 52% disapprove