Rising prices prove O’Halleran is living in Fantasyland

October 21, 2021

Tom O’Halleran says “inflation is not out of control,” but Americans disagree. 

According to a Fox News poll, 83% of Americans say their everyday bills have increased, with 43% saying they’ve increased “a lot.”

One woman told a local Arizona TV station, “From milk to gas, it actually hits a little hard…because at the end of the month you don’t have that extra funds in your pocket to do things with your kids or even yourself.”

What magical fantasyland is Tom O’Halleran living in where the price of milk and gas isn’t increasing? Can we all go there? 

NRCC COMMENT: “Arizonans will hold Tom O’Halleran accountable for the higher costs they’re paying.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair