Desperate Dems can’t save Malinowski

December 13, 2021

Tom Malinowski’s supporters know he’s in trouble, and they’re “desperately trying to prevent him from becoming a sacrificial lamb” in redistricting next year.

But as they attempt to save Trading Tom from his own scandals, Business Insider reiterated today why Malinowski is so vulnerable in the first place.

The report highlighted Malinowski as the prime example of Democrats’ mixed messaging after he publicly condemned profiting off the pandemic, then proceeded to do just that while continuously hiding his shady transactions.

NRCC Comment: “Tom Malinowski will pay the price for profiting off the pandemic while his constituents suffered, whether he is redistricted or voted out of his seat. No desperate pleas from whatever supporters he has left will save him.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock