Michigan gas price jump 15 cents

February 8, 2022

Michigan gas prices jumped 15 cents, the largest increase in the US.  

Will Elissa Slotkin and Dan Kildee speak out against the Biden Administration’s war on American energy, or continue to support it? 

  • Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, which estimates say will kill anywhere from 400,000 to 2.7 million jobs.  
  • Biden placed a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands, threatening an estimated 268,000 jobs.   
  • Slotkin and Kildee even support shutting down Line 5, which would create tens of thousands of Michigan jobs.   

NRCC Comment: “Michiganders will hold Dan Kildee and Elissa Slotkin accountable for backing Joe Biden’s war on American energy.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg