Malinowski tries to rewrite history on anti-parent agenda

July 25, 2022

It’s no secret Tom Malinowski has positioned himself against New Jersey parents and has been desperate to correct his unforced error.

That now includes lying about events he never held. Malinowski claimed in the LA Times that he’s “held education town halls and several parent round tables in recent months” over changes to New Jersey’s sex-ed curriculum standards.


Breitbart reported that Malinowski canceled his planned “Education Forum for Students and Parents” on April 19, which was then rescheduled to May 21, canceled again, and never rescheduled.

NRCC Comment: “Tom Malinowski has been terrified to confront the New Jersey parents he insulted since he told them their education concerns were ‘made-up cultural bullshit,’ and now he’s gaslighting them about events he never held. What a great way to win their support.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock