Union Leader editorial board slams Pappas and Kuster over NH’s FITN limbo

August 3, 2022

The DNC announced they would delay plans to reconfigure the presidential nominating calendar until after the midterms, “prolonging New Hampshire’s fight to maintain the state’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary status.”

But the editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader isn’t accepting “It’s not final yet!” as an answer when it comes to the Granite State’s congressional delegation.

They write that taking away the primary from New Hampshire could doom Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster, because Granite Staters won’t “fall for this delaying maneuver” as Democrats “pretty much spelled out [their] plans in announcing the stay of execution.”

They conclude a useful slogan for these do-nothing Democrats might be “Thanks for nothing” this November.

We agree.