Will Cartwright And Wild Support Biden In 2024?

April 26, 2023

Joe Biden’s approval rating is abysmal, and vulnerable Democrats like Matt Cartwright and Susan Wild are conveniently silent on whether they will support Biden in 2024.

Ahead of Biden’s re-election bid announcement, NBC News found that just 41% of Americans approve of Biden. A whopping 70% think Joe Biden should not run for president in 2024.

Even worse, Biden has an abysmal 41% approval rating in Pennsylvania.

So will Matt Cartwright and Susan Wild support Biden in 2024?  

“Vulnerable Democrats like Matt Cartwright and Susan Wild are more vulnerable with Biden at the top of the ticket. Pennsylvania is tired of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ policies and will reject Biden, Cartwright, and Wild.” – NRCC Spokesman Chris Gustafson