Gas prices may surge thanks to Kaptur and Sykes

June 5, 2023

As Americans prepare to hit the road for summer vacations, Saudi Arabia announced it’s set to slash oil production and send gas prices skyrocketing. They can thank Marcy Kaptur and Emilia Sykes for the hit to their pocketbook.

House Republicans are working to unleash American energy by passing the Lower Energy Costs Act, but extreme House Democrats like Kaptur and Sykes voted againstAmerican energy independence – meaning surging gas prices will be on them. 

Reminder: Gas prices have already surged by over 50% since Joe Biden took office. 

“Americans can thank extreme Democrats Marcy Kaptur and Emilia Sykes for surging gas prices. Instead of working to unleash energy production and bring down gas prices for Ohioans, Kaptur and Sykes sided with extreme environmentalists to inflict pain at the pump.” – NRCC Spokesman Chris Gustafson