NRCC Memo on Vicente Gonzalez: “These policies will cost him re-election”

October 13, 2023

The NRCC released a memo detailing how Vicente Gonzalez’s enabling of the unprecedented crisis at the southern border will cost him re-election in 2024.

The memo highlights how record border crossing numbers have reached a critical level for border communities, but Gonzalez – whose own district touches the southern border – praises the Biden administration’s border policies.

Toplines below:

On Texans’ disapproval of Biden’s border: “Gonzalez’s strategy to tie himself to Biden on the border crisis is the equivalent of anchoring himself to a sinking ship. Biden’s unpopularity is sky-high. 52% of Texans disapprove of Biden’s job as president, and 64% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s work on immigration. This is significant for Gonzalez’s TX-34, as 88.5% of the population is Hispanic.”

On Gonzalez enabling the border crisis: “Prior to being a Congressman, Gonzalez’s law firm represented an array of felony drug dealers and street gang leaders, directly enabling these thugs and putting his community at risk of being taken advantage of. Gonzalez has been a staunch supporter of Biden’s weak border and inflationary policies. He voted for the disastrous Inflation Reduction Act, defended felony drug dealers and street gangs, and voted against securing the southern border.”

On how this will cost Gonzalez re-election: “As the border crisis continues to worsen with no end in sight, Vicente Gonzalez is its chief enabler. It will ultimately cost him the election in 2024. Gonzalez spends his time rubber stamping Biden’s border policies instead of helping TX-34, which is destructive and unpopular in his district. The NRCC will make sure every South Texas voter knows Vicente Gonzalez is complicit in this crisis.”

Read the full memo here.