Marcy Kaptur’s involvement in the student loan forgiveness scheme

June 20, 2024

Yesterday, a staffer from Marcy Kaptur’s office went viral for boasting that Ohio taxpayers are not only paying his salary, but his student debts too.

Of course, this raises many questions: Is this considered a bonus? Is this taxable income? Did this staffer help influence a policy for their own financial gain? Did Kaptur’s office exercise influence to get this done to benefit their staff?

But the most glaring question is, where does Marcy Kaptur stand?

Just take a look at her past couple of votes on this issue:

  • On May 24, 2023, Kaptur voted against nullifying rules issued by the Department Of Education to suspend federal student loan payments and discharge debt.
  • On June 21, 2023, Kaptur voted against overriding President Biden’s veto of the joint resolution that would provide for Congressional disapproval of his rule that allows for forgiveness of up to $10,000 in loan debt.

“It’s obvious Joe Biden’s unconstitutional student loan forgiveness sham is the easiest way for him to buy votes, but Marcy Kaptur’s voting record in support for this scheme shows just how out of touch she is with the voters of Northwest Ohio.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella