NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson Statement on Joe Biden Dropping Out of Presidential Race

July 21, 2024

Following Joe Biden’s announcement that he will end his campaign for a second term, National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Richard Hudson released the following statement:

“This is a scandal of historic proportions – our president is incapacitated, Democrats knew, and they lied to the American people to cover it up. Voters will neither forgive nor forget the ultimate betrayal of their trust. Judgment day is coming in November, when Americans will hand down Democrats’ ultimate punishment: Donald Trump in the White House and a larger House Republican majority.”
“The American people know regardless of who the Democratic nominee is, they will be held accountable for the Biden agenda: record inflation, weakness abroad, border chaos, and high crime.”
“If the president is mentally unfit to campaign, he is mentally unfit to have the nuclear codes. Every House Democrat must now answer: is the president fit to serve the rest of his term?”
 — NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson