ICYMI: Mondaire Jones under fire for pushing to let killers, rapists vote from prison

August 12, 2024

Despite the attempted rebrand, Mondaire Jones’s radicalism is inescapable. It was recently revealed that Jones championed legislation that would have allowed convicts, including rapists and murderers, to vote from prison.

Read more here and below. 

Ex-NY Rep. and current candidate Mondaire Jones under fire for pushing to let killers, rapists vote from prison

New York Post

August 11, 2024

New York Democratic ex-Rep. and current congressional candidate Mondaire Jones is coming under fire for championing proposed legislation while in office that would have allowed convicts including rapists and murderers to vote from prison.

At the time, Jones called the federal ban preventing incarcerated felons from voting a “form of slavery.”


He pushed for the proposed amendment along with left-wing “Squad” Rep. Cori Bush, who just lost her primary re-election last week. The proposed amendment was defeated 328 to 97 in the House in 2021 — with even many Dems including Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York voting against it.

States such as New York restored voting rights to parolees after they’ve served their sentence — but not while they’re still in prison.

“When people are convicted of a crime and are sentenced to, for example, serving time in an incarcerated setting, that is their punishment,” Jones told The Appeal: Political Report, a prisoners’ rights group after the amendment was defeated in 2021.


If Jones’ amendment became law, the cop-killers and murderers involved in the infamous 1981 Brinks robbery case in Rockland County — which is part of the 17th district — would have been given the right to vote, said Larry Ayers, president of the Rockland County PBA.


Jones’ advocacy for criminals is reason is enough not to return him to office, Lawyer’s campaign said. 

“Extremist Mondaire Jones is so radical that he wants to let cop-killers, child rapists, and murderers vote from prison,” said Lawler campaign spokesman Chris Russel.

“From trying to defund the police, blaming them for ‘white supremacy, to even letting those that kill cops vote, it’s clear Mondaire Jones can’t be trusted with any seat in public office ever again. Voters in the Hudson Valley will make that overwhelmingly clear this November when they reject radical Mondaire Jones and his divisive, extreme ideology once and for all.”

Read more here.