NRCC Launches New TV Ad In ME-02

September 17, 2024

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today released a new TV ad in ME-02.

The ad highlights Jared Golden’s flip flop on the Second Amendment.

This spending comes as part of the NRCC’s previously-announced $45.7 million advertising reservation, which included a significant investment in ME-02.

Watch the ad here:


Jared Golden promised that he’d protect our second amendment rights, but he hasn’t followed through with that.”

“I don’t know if the money’s got to him or something’s got to him, but not the same man anymore.” 

“He threw us under the bus.” 

“Jared Golden lied to us.” 

“He now supports a ban on the most commonly held rifle in the US.”

“Don’t have any faith in him.” 

“He’s fallen in line with the liberal agenda.” 

“Golden even backed a gun registry.”

“He’s a turncoat.” 

“Just another vote for the gun grabbing liberals.” 

“And I voted for him the first time.” 

“I wouldn’t trust him, I won’t vote again for him.”