Alison Esposito Op-Ed: New Yorkers deserve better leaders than Eric Adams

October 1, 2024

In case you missed it…NY-18 GOP Candidate Alison Esposito penned an op-ed in the Washington Reporter denouncing recently indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams and his buddy Pat Ryan. 

Op-ed: Alison Esposito: New Yorkers deserve better leaders than Eric Adams
Washington Reporter
September 30, 2024

For over twenty-five years, I proudly put on my uniform every day to protect and serve the great people of New York. Rising to the rank of Deputy Inspector and Commanding Officer of the 70th Police Precinct, I dedicated my life to keeping our city safe. Like my father before me, I joined the force to help those who could not help themselves, and I spent my career doing exactly that.

I was a member of the Anti-Crime team, a plain clothes unit that worked to target violent street crime. After taking down some of the worst criminals, I joined the NYPD’s Emergency Services Unit (S.W.A.T. Rescue Team) and served in various other roles, including as the Commander of Detective Squads, in the NYPD’s Gang Unit, and as the Commander of a Forensics Unit. 

Ultimately, my career culminated as a Precinct Commander. I know first hand how important it is to create a culture of law and order but even more so, a culture that instills trust in their police, and that goes for our elected officials as well. 

Like many New Yorkers throughout this great state, I was disappointed and angered to learn that the sitting Mayor of New York City was indicted, but I was not surprised. This indictment is the culmination of bad New York Democrat policies that elevates cronyism, corruption and chaos which allowed this to happen. 

Mayor Adams will have his day in court to answer for these charges, but it seems his administration has been one corruption scandal after another. It’s a shame when our politicians put their needs before those of the people they serve. For far too long, one-party rule in New York has been synonymous with corruption and this is just yet another example. Instead of fighting to protect New York streets, Mayor Adams and his allies were too busy focusing on how to enrich themselves. This is the worst of the government and the people hurt the most are New Yorkers.

Like Adams, my opponent, Pat Ryan, supports the same liberal policies that have caused chaos in New York. As Ulster County Executive, he turned the county into a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, and now he dismisses the crisis as fear-mongering. 

Just recently, he was caught on a Zoom with far left activists, downplaying the migrant crisis and brushing it off as GOP fear mongering. Pat Ryan will do or say anything to stay in power and he has gone through lengths to try and hide his association with Adams, but in a Politico report it stated clear as day he received Adams’s help from behind the scenes. Career politicians like Ryan, Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul have done nothing but put their needs before those of hardworking Americans and it’s time that we stand against their reckless behavior. 

At the end of the day, Ryan and Adams represent the same repressive and dangerous policies that are the worst of our government and New Yorkers deserve better.

Alison Esposito is the Republican nominee for Congress in New York’s 18th District.