Author: Delanie Bomar

how many more?
Eugene is hiding
Voters are mad, and Sharice Davids pretends to be sad
Voters are mad, and Darren Soto pretends to be sad
Voters are mad, and Caraveo pretends to be sad
Voters are mad, and Lee, Titus, and Horsford pretend to be sad
Voters are mad, and Vasquez pretends to be sad
Voters are mad, and Gonzalez pretends to be sad
Voters are mad, and Don Davis pretends to be sad
anyone wanna clear this up?
ADVISORY: Horsford, Titus event with Joe Biden
NEW POLL: Biden losing Nevadans
NRCC Statement on FL-27 Democrats’ Race to the Left
“I expected more.”
Vicente Gonzalez’s IRA = 💸4️⃣🇨🇳
Sharice Davids’ IRA = 💸4️⃣🇨🇳
Soto’s IRA = 💸4️⃣🇨🇳
Lee, Titus, & Horsford’s IRA = 💸4️⃣🇨🇳
Butterfield casts doubt on Davis’ chances
Bidenflation, Biden border crisis, and Biden’s bestie
Vasquez pushes for extreme energy boondoggles
Soto pushes for extreme energy boondoggles
Don Davis pushes for extreme energy boondoggles
Lee, Titus, Horsford pushes for extreme energy boondoggles
Less police on the street because of Caraveo
Don Davis votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Girl Scout cookies!
Caraveo votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Titus, Horsford, Lee vote to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Vicente Gonzalez votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Gabe Vasquez votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Sharice Davids votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Darren Soto votes to let Open Borders Secretary off the hook… again
Caraveo hides from Denver suburbs
sharp as a what?
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
Biden’s losing it. What does Vicente Gonzalez say?
Biden’s losing it. What does Gabe Vasquez say?
Biden’s losing it. What does Don Davis say?
Biden’s losing it. What does Caraveo say?
Biden’s losing it. What does Soto say?
Biden’s losing it. What does Sharice Davids say?
What Steven Horsford said about Joe Biden’s age
What Vicente Gonzalez said about Joe Biden’s age