Tag: CA-12

4 days until a GOP House victory!
5 days until a GOP House victory!
6 days until a GOP House victory!
7 days until a GOP house victory!
8 days until a GOP House victory!
9 days until a GOP House victory!
Obama’s Math Problem
NRCC’s #LOLaPelosi Mobile Billboard Unveiled
Hochul’s China obsession
Under Dems, China’s Economy Rises While Ours Struggles
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Pelosi’s “Banking Expert” Faces Lawsuit For Stiffing UFL Coaches On Pay
10 days until a GOP House victory!
11 days until a GOP House victory!
12 days until a GOP House victory!
13 days until a GOP House victory!
14 days until a GOP House victory!
15 days until a GOP House victory!
16 days until a GOP House victory!
For Every $7 of Your Taxpayer Dollars, Democrats Spent $11
it’s cheaper in China
#IWANTREPEAL: How Will Dems Defend Their Healthcare Takeover that Already Costs $27.6 Billion and Destroyed 18,000 Jobs?
Just what the doctor ordered
Pelosi’s 4 Million ObamaCare Jobs Are Nowhere to Be Seen
VIDEO: New NRCC TV Ad on Gary McDowell
Not Funny: Cutting Seniors’ Medicare to Pay for ObamaCare
with friends like these
21 days until a GOP House victory!
20 days until GOP House victory!
19 days until a GOP House victory!
18 days until a GOP House victory!
17 days until a GOP House victory!
Democrats Cut Seniors’ Medicare to Fund Their Spending Sprees
here we go again
is today the day?
Democrats’ “Economy Tax” Punishes the Middle Class
Waste Abounds In Democrats’ Failed Stimulus
22 days until a GOP House victory!
23 days until a GOP House victory!
24 days until a GOP House victory!
25 days until a GOP House victory!
26 days until a GOP House victory!
27 days until a GOP House victory!
28 days until a GOP House victory!
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Steve Israel Gets $100,000 Bank Bailout Using Program For Struggling Homeowners
VIDEO: New NRCC TV ad on David Gill
Dems’ Plan: Eight Years of Trillion-Dollar Deficits
On the Debt, Obama Wants to “Move On to Another Topic”
California Love
Another broken promise – Kathy Hochul campaigns with Pelosi