Tag: CA-52

Middle Class ‘Buried’ Under Dems’ Toxic Policies, Define Success as Not Falling Behind
House Dems & President Obama Start the Fiscal Year With a Gift to Americans: A $16 Trillion Debt
Barrow Fundraising Appeal: I Support Obama
Do House Dems Support Obama Bullying Contractors into Illegally Keeping Quiet on Massive Layoffs?
NEW AD: Easy for him
#IWANTREPEAL: Six Million Americans – 2 Million More than Expected – Will Face Tax Under Dems’ Healthcare Takeover
NRCC “Corrupt Democrats” Campaign Highlights Scott Peters with Paid Online Ad
the good life
Democrats’ Spending Fueled by Borrowing From China, And Their Stimulus Sent Jobs There
#IWANTREPEAL: To Pay for ObamaCare, Current Seniors will See Over $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts
#IWANTREPEAL: Two Years into the Dems’ Healthcare Takeover, Healthcare Costs Rise Faster than Wages
John Barrow Caught Red Handed
Rhetoric Meets Reality: The Democrat Plan Didn’t ‘Work’ As More People End Job Search
August Jobs Numbers Beg The Question That Went Unanswered This Week: “Where Are the Jobs?”
House Dems’ Answer to the Struggling Economy – More of the Same Failed Big-Government Policies
Will House Dems Tell 23 Million Unemployed Americans that They’re Better Off?
Do Dems Think We’re Better Off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago?
Lois Capps’ Party Chairman Calls Paul Ryan a Nazi Propagandist
Democrats Assumed Office Years Ago, Isn’t it Time They Assume Responsibility?
#IWANTREPEAL: Democrats’ Medicare Cutters: A Board of 15 Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats
#IWANTREPEAL: Majority of Americans Think Medicare is “Very Important” Issue, But Dems Cut It Anyway
#IWANTREPEAL: Then and Now: Estimated Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Continues to Rise, Along With Cuts to Medicare
#IWANTREPEAL: Then and Now: Estimated Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Continues to Rise, Along With Cuts to Medicare
#IWANTREPEAL: If Dems Have Their Way, Medicare Will Be Broke in 12 Years
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems Slashed Medicare to Pay for ObamaCare
Dems’ Plan Piles More Taxes On Small Businesses, Even As They Freeze Hiring
How Much More Evidence Do Dems Need that Their Big-Government Policies Aren’t Working?
Democrat Economy ‘Worked’ for Big Government But Left Small Businesses to Carry the Load
Dems Admit Tax Hikes Will Hit 114 Million Families, So Why Won’t House Dems #StopTheTaxHike?
House Dems Need to Stop Standing in the Way of Economic Recovery
Poll: Americans are Sick of the Democrats’ Do-Anything-But-Create-Jobs Plan
Pelosi Promises House Dems Will Protect Obama’s Failed Economic Agenda
America’s Top Economist Says Dem Leaders’ Tax Hike Plan Will Cause Another Recession, But House Dems Staying Mum
Top Democrats Ready to Push Economy Over Fiscal Cliff and Risk a Recession, Are House Dems?
Do House Dems Agree with Obama that Gov’t is Responsible for the Success of Your Small Business?
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems Support ObamaCare’s Rising Costs, Medicare Cuts, Taxes, and Healthcare Decisions in Hands of Government
#IWANTREPEAL: The Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover is Coming to a Small Business Near You
Question for House Dems: How Will Higher Taxes Create Jobs?
The Democrats’ Economy: Disappointing Job Numbers, Failed Leadership, and Broken Promises
U.S. Manufacturing Plummets Under Democrats’ Economy
#IWANTREPEAL: Confirmed: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover is a ‘Big F***ing’ Tax
#FullRepeal: Take Control of Our Healthcare: Don’t Send House Dems Back
Do Dem Candidates Have Obama’s Back?
#IWANTREPEAL: Will House Dems Try to Keep ObamaCare Regardless of Supreme Court Decision?
Collin Peterson – Increase own Salary
Fighting Washington: Medicare Messaging Memo
#IWANTREPEAL: Yet Another Report Against Dems’ Healthcare Takeover
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Set to Help Raise Taxes in 2013
A Look Inside the Dem Game Plan: Delusion, Distraction and Disaster
Doctors Give Barrow’s Government Healthcare Takeover a “D” for Disaster