Tag: CA-52

Remember Repeal?
Then and Now: Dems Supported Keeping ObamaCare Last Year, but a Majority of Americans Still Want it Gone
Dems Remain Oblivious to Just How Much Americans Loathe the Government Takeover of Healthcare
Dems’ Medicare Slashing Board Draws New Opposition
The Costs of Dems’ Government Takeover of Healthcare Continue to Soar
Bill Clinton to House Dems on Keystone: It’s Gas Prices and Jobs, Stupid!
With Soaring Gas Prices, Washington Democrats Revive House Dems’ National Energy Tax
Poll Shows Few Agree With Dems’ Decision to Reject Keystone Jobs and Energy Independence
The House Dem-Obama Energy Record: Yes to Solyndra Bankruptcy, No to American-Made Energy
Three Years of House Dems & Obama’s Broken Deficit Promises
Three Years of House Dems & Obama’s Broken Deficit Promises
Gas in America Tops $3.80 a Gallon as Dems Continue to Reject All of the Above Energy Policy
Dems’ Failed Energy Policy: More Solyndras, More Skyrocketing Gas Prices
The Three Year Legacy of the Democrats’ Stimulus: More Failure, More Washington Spending and Borrowing
On the Third Birthday of Their Failed Stimulus, Democrats Push for Even More Wasteful Washington Spending
The Reviews Are In: The House Dem-Obama Budget of Washington Spending and More Debt Is Making Things Worse
The House Dem-Obama Plan: More Job-Killing Taxes for More Failed Stimulus Spending
The House Dem-Obama Plan: More Job-Killing Taxes for More Failed Stimulus Spending
Obama-House Dem Budget Doubles Down on Failed Fiscal Policies & Broken Promises
Dems Help Shun Domestic Energy as Gas Prices Surge
Dems’ Anti-Energy Policies in Washington Derailing Potential Economic Recovery Across America
How Jobs Are Sent to China: Keystone Rejection by Washington Dems Hurts American Workers, Helps U.S. Competitors
Dems Oppose Common-Sense Solutions to End Wasteful Washington Spending
And the Winner Is… Democrat Donors Instead of American Workers Who Want Keystone XL Jobs
More Proof Dems’ Solyndra Stimulus Was About Political Payback, Not Jobs
Dems Defend Healthcare Takeover’s Explosion of Spending
Dems Vote to Strengthen Failing Healthcare Program that is Hurting American Small Businesses
It’s Always Sunny: House Dems & Obama to “Double Down” on Solyndra Fiasco
If 20,000 Jobs Is “Not That Many” for House Dems, How Many Will It Take for Them to Stop Holding Keystone XL Hostage?
The Obama-House Dem Record: Destroying Middle-Class Jobs to Reward Democrat Donors
New Unemployment Numbers Show Dem-Backed Policies Making Bad Economy Even Worse
Dems’ Solyndra Stimulus Debacle Literally Throws Taxpayer Dollars in the Dumpster
House Dems & Obama Cap Three Years of Failed Leadership by Sending Keystone Jobs to China
Dems’ Government Takeover of Healthcare Still a Disaster One Year After Their Vote
Will House Dems Let Obama Send Thousands of Jobs to China to Appease Activist Democrat Donors?
Dems’ Solyndra Debacle Worsens as the Bankrupt Company Prepares to Give Fat Bonuses to Senior Employees
Obama Gives Lip Service to Bringing Jobs to America While he and House Dems Oppose Thousands of Shovel-Ready Keystone Jobs
Collin Peterson Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While Minnesota Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
House Dems Still Silent as White House Moves to Block Thousands of Keystone Manufacturing Jobs
DCCC Chair Wants to Get Money Out of Politics but “Frontline” Dems Hypocritically Benefit from DCCC’s Own Tainted Corzine Money
Will Dems Urge Obama to Support American Keystone Jobs or Send Them to China?
With 48 Days Left, Will Dems Let Obama Send Keystone Jobs to China?
Cheri Tales Chapter 1: Cheri Bustos’ Economic Record; A Cautionary Tale
Will House Dems Challenge President Obama to Put 130,000 Keystone Jobs Before Politics?
No Love This Holiday Season for Pelosi and Her Democrats
Obama Flees From Tainted Corzine Money as “Frontline” Dems Stay Silent on DCCC’s Haul
It’s Not Too Late for House Dems to Urge Their Party to Support Middle-Class Families and Small Businesses
New NRCC Targeted Calls: Dems Pave Way for Tax Increase on American Families
New NRCC Targeted Calls: Dems Pave Way for Tax Increase on American Families
Dems Reject Multiple Bipartisan Efforts to Prevent Tax Hikes on Middle-Class Families
Dems Voted to Raise Taxes for Middle-Class Families & Destroy 130,000 American Jobs