Tag: Christy Smith

CHRISTY LIES: Smith wouldn’t support early PPP funding
CHRISTY LIES: Says AB5 won’t cost people jobs
CHRISTY LIES: Smith is no moderate
CHRISTY LIES: Smith falsely claims to be leading on COVID-19 response
CHRISTY LIES: Records show Sacramento politician Christy Smith supports Medicare for All
About today’s CA-25 candidate forum…
Christy Smith is a liar, Warren endorsement further proof
LA Times endorses politician over combat veteran, citing lack of experience
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Watch Christy Smith lie about not raising taxes
Christy Smith releases statement on lying
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Records show Christy Smith supports Medicare for All
Christy Smith thinks CA-25 voters can’t read a calendar
UPDATED WITH SPENDING: Christy the corporate money launderer
Christy Smith breaks promise not to campaign during business hours
VIDEO: Smith doubles down on reducing teacher salaries
28 days
Christy the corporate money launderer
Christy Smith says she’s already stepping in as CA-25’s Congresswoman
California Globe: Assemblywoman Christy Smith Campaigning Instead of Holding Hearing on Coronavirus Crisis
Christy Smith is playing coronavirus politics
Smith silent on Pelosi’s coronavirus politics
POLL: Garcia leading in CA-25
RATINGS CHANGE: CA-25 now Lean Democrat
Christy Smith using coronavirus to fundraise
DCCC’s meddling failure
Christy Smith votes to uphold AB 5
Christy Smith explains why she takes corporate PAC money
Sexual predator at CA impeachment rally: Impeach the m*****f*****
Fight for the socialist soul