Tag: IL-17

The Democrats’ Economy: Disappointing Job Numbers, Failed Leadership, and Broken Promises
U.S. Manufacturing Plummets Under Democrats’ Economy
#IWANTREPEAL: Confirmed: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover is a ‘Big F***ing’ Tax
Tarryl Clark Continues to Gut Medicare
Cheri Bustos Supports Higher Taxes
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Set to Help Raise Taxes in 2013
A Look Inside the Dem Game Plan: Delusion, Distraction and Disaster
Cheri Tales Chapter 10: Cheri the Politician
Is 40 Months of Unemployment Above 8.0% What ‘Doing Fine’ Looks Like to House Dems?
Cheri Tales Chapter 9: Cheri Bustos’ Taxpayer Funded Parkway
Cheri Tales Chapter 9: Cheri Bustos’ Taxpayer Funded Parkway
A Delirious Obama Says the Private Sector is ‘Doing Fine’ – Does Costa Agree?
As Support for ObamaCare Crumbles, What Dems Back the HealthCare Takeover Backup Plan?
For Dems, Special Treatment and Access for Lobbyists and Special Interests are Worth the Destructive Cost to Small Businesses
Cheri Tales Chapter 8: Cheri’s $20 Million PR Campaign for the Gov’t Healthcare Takeover
Obama’s ‘Nauseating’ Attacks on Free Enterprise Highlight Dems’ Job-Crushing Agenda on Small Business
How Many More Embarrassments Can Dems’ Failed Spending Agenda Take?
New Study Says “Incentives” in Dems’ Healthcare Takeover May Squander Away $20 Billion Annually in Taxpayer Money
The Cost of ObamaCare: House Dems’ Healthcare Takeover’s Medical Device Tax is Sending Jobs Overseas
Do House Dems Also “Forget” How Badly Their Economic Policies Have Failed?
Dems’ Fiscal Legacy: American Families Can Look Forward to More Debt & Fewer Jobs
Dems’ Spending and Borrowing Spree Will Bring “Massive” Economic Consequences and Fewer Jobs
Forgotten American Workers Continue to Struggle Under Dems’ Failed Democrat Policies
Dems’ Government Healthcare Takeover Could Put 11.5 Million Seniors’ Medicare Benefits at Risk
Families Could Look “Forward” to Losing Their Health Plans Under Dems’ Government Healthcare Takeover
Dems’ Government Healthcare Takeover Threatens to Destroy Up to 249,000 American Jobs
More Than 47 Million American Seniors Could See Access to Care Shrink Under Dems’ Government Healthcare Takeover
Will House Dems Pressure Their Senate Colleagues to Support Keystone Energy & Jobs?
Dems’ Big-Government Policies Leave Recent College Graduates in Debt
Failed Democrat Fiscal Policies Are Blocking Job Creation
Dems Vote for Big-Government Instead of Spurring Small Business Job Creation
Dems Vote to Block Keystone Pipeline Exactly 3 Months After Obama First Rejected It
A Friendly Tax Day Reminder: More Wasteful Spending On the Way
Will House Dems Support Growing Small Business Jobs or Big-Government This Week?
Instead of Energy and Jobs, Dems’ Failed Stimulus Gave Us Record Gas Prices and More Debt
Instead of Energy and Jobs, Dems’ Failed Stimulus Gave Us Record Gas Prices and More Debt
Small Businesses Struggle with Soaring Gas Prices: Will Dems Make it Worse?
More Failures Uncovered in Dems’ Stimulus Energy Policy
UNEMPLOYMENT: Under The Obama-House Dem Agenda, The Plight Of The Forgotten Worker Only Gets Worse
Is $3.93 a Gallon the “Best” Dems Can Do?
Are House Dems Smarter than a Vice President?
Dems Ignored All the Warning Signs in Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster
Dems Ignored All the Warning Signs in Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster
Dems’ Budget Votes Protect ObamaCare, Preserve Tax Loopholes and Continue Reckless Washington Spending
Dems Back Spending Binge & Push Medicare Closer to Bankruptcy
Dems’ Budget Votes Protect ObamaCare, Preserve Tax Loopholes and Continue Reckless Washington Spending
House Dems Become Increasingly Lonely Defending ObamaCare
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
House Dems on the Front Lines as ObamaCare Gets its Day in Court
Obama May be in Hiding, but House Dems are on Defensive When it Comes to Government Healthcare Takeover