Tag: MartinHeinrich

Message Not Received: Democrats Vote to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Message Not Received: Mark Critz Votes to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Democrats Refuse to Fix Job-Destroying, Budget-Busting Healthcare Takeover
Democrats Refuse to Fix Job-Destroying, Budget-Busting Healthcare Takeover
Target Dems Disregard American People, Vote to Maintain Job-Killing Agenda By Voting for Pelosi for Speaker
Martin Heinrich Lowers the “Bar” for Ethical Standards
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
State's Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Target Dems’ Reelection
State's Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Target Dems’ Reelection
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
Target Dems' Stimulus Vote Could Cost Them Their Reelection
Target Dems' Stimulus Vote Could Cost Them Their Reelection
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
As Obama Works to Fill Dem Coffers, House Dems Still Silent on Vote to Stop Tax Hikes
As Obama Works to Fill Dem Coffers, House Dems Still Silent on Vote to Stop Tax Hikes
Will Target Dems Pledge Support for an Up-or-Down Vote on Planned Tax Hikes Before Recess?
Will Target Dems Pledge Support for an Up-or-Down Vote on Planned Tax Hikes Before Recess?
Will Target Dems Vow to Stop Tax Hikes on Working Families and Small Businesses?
Will Target Dems Vow to Stop Tax Hikes on Working Families and Small Businesses?
Will Target Dems Pledge to Stop Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Before Skipping Town?
Will Target Dems Pledge to Stop Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Before Skipping Town?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Big Taxes for Small Business: Target Dems' Agenda Slams Job Creators
Target Dems' Spending Addiction has Resulted in Economic Failure
Target Dems' Spending Addiction has Resulted in Economic Failure
Target Dems Refuse to Relinquish Ringleaders’ Tainted Cash
Target Dems Refuse to Relinquish Ringleaders’ Tainted Cash
Target Dems to Voters: Get Over Yourselves
Target Dems to Voters: Get Over Yourselves
Target Dems Rush Back to Washington to Feed Their Spending Addiction
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
Target Dems Entangled in Waters’ and Rangel’s Web of Corruption
Target Dems Entangled in Waters’ and Rangel’s Web of Corruption
Target Dems Caught in Ethical Crosshairs
Target Dems Caught in Ethical Crosshairs
Will Target Dems Uphold the “Integrity Of the Institution” Or Hang On to Rangel’s Tainted Cash?
Will Target Dems Support Obama's Small Business Tax Hike?
Target Dems' Campaign Coffers Still Dirty With Embattled Rangel’s Campaign Cash
Will Target Dems Support Obama's Small Business Tax Hike?
Target Dems' “Recovery Summer” Almost Over, Families Still Asking: Where Are the Jobs?
Target Dems' “Recovery Summer” Almost Over, Families Still Asking: Where Are the Jobs?
Two Months and Counting: Target Dems Have Yet to Produce a Budget