Tag: ME-02

NRCC Chairman Emmer Statement on the ME-02 Primary Election
Jared Golden’s record proves he can’t be trusted
Jared Golden doesn’t want Law & Order
Jared Golden (big opera guy)
Golden is for sale!
Golden endorses free health care for illegal immigrants
Jared Golden brags about voting with House Democrats 88% of the time
Jared Golden will vote to impeach President Trump
Jared Golden mails it in
Jared Golden wants “big tax increases.”
Golden’s lose-lose situation
will Jared Golden demand action?
Golden wants to raise your taxes
Golden’s garbage record on immigration
Jared Golden is terrible at this
Golden’s faux courage
Golden’s perfectly fine with infanticide
Golden hides the truth on socialist Medicare for All
It’s only day five (5)
This Democrat Running For Congress Won’t Comment on ISIL or Ebola
Emily Cain More Extreme than Chellie Pingree?
Meet the Maine Democrat Who Wants to Repeal Rest of Bush Tax Cuts
Will Michael Eggman Sign This Pledge or Will He Hide Behind Pelosi’s Super PAC Money?
36 Congressional Candidates Announced “On the Radar” as Part of NRCC’s ‘Young Guns’ Program
#SpendingIsTheProblem: Do The Math: All The Platinum In The World Still Couldn’t Pay Off The Debt
Do House Dems Agree with Their Democrat Leaders that We Should Go Off the Fiscal Cliff?
NRCC Asks House Dems to Choose: Sign the Petition Or Pave the Way for the Job-Killing Medical Device Tax
Will House Dems Sponsor Obama’s Blank Check Proposal?
Days Before Election, Higher Jobless Rate Reflects Ohioans’ Continued Suffering Under Obama-Sutton Economy
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: Because Four Years of Trillion Dollar Deficits Wasn’t Enough… The Dems’ Goal is to Spend More
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: New Report: Job Creators Brace for Economic Disaster Thanks to Dems’ Tax-Hiking Agenda
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: Democrats Uses Devastating Defense Cuts As “Weapon” in Their Party’s Tax-Increasing Agenda
Democrats’ Idea of “Nation-Building At Home” Has Been to Create Jobs in China
#IWANTREPEAL: You Don’t Have to Settle for a Future Crippled by Dems’ Government Takeover of Healthcare
#IWANTREPEAL: How Will Dems Defend Their Healthcare Takeover that Already Costs $27.6 Billion and Destroyed 18,000 Jobs?
#IWANTREPEAL: No, Dems’ Unelected Board of Bureaucrats in Charge of Seniors’ Medicare Choices Isn’t “A Bunch of Stuff”
New Report: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Has Already Destroyed 30,000 Jobs and Cost $27.6 Billion in Regulations
Dems’ Stimulus Funded Solar Panels that “Worked as Long as You Didn’t Put Them in the Sun”
Democrats’ “Trickle-Down Government” Produces Unacceptably High Unemployment And A Discouraged Labor Force
Middle Class ‘Buried’ Under Dems’ Toxic Policies, Define Success as Not Falling Behind
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: Biden Admits Middle Class Has ‘Been Buried the Last Four Years’ Under Dems’ Policies
House Dems & President Obama Start the Fiscal Year With a Gift to Americans: A $16 Trillion Debt
Do House Dems Support Obama Bullying Contractors into Illegally Keeping Quiet on Massive Layoffs?
Dems Protect Solyndra-Like Solar Company’s Ability to Get Taxpayer-Funded Loan
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Will Ship American Jobs to China
#IWANTREPEAL: Six Million Americans – 2 Million More than Expected – Will Face Tax Under Dems’ Healthcare Takeover
Democrats’ Spending Fueled by Borrowing From China, And Their Stimulus Sent Jobs There
House Dems Vote to Continue Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Failed Companies like Solyndra
#IWANTREPEAL: To Pay for ObamaCare, Current Seniors will See Over $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts